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A Happier Man, Issue #110--Be Meaning of Life
February 03, 2018

Issue # 110

Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is not as difficult as you have been told. It's not a mystery. It's staring at you all the your mirror.

It's your happiness.

Finding ways to be happier. Living your life as you want to live it. Doing things you like to do. Having experiences you want to have. Obtaining items you want to use.

Creating, producing, consuming, sharing, discussing, caring and loving all contribute to you being happier.

The meaning of life is not looking outside yourself. Far from it.

Some people mistakenly call this being selfish. They call looking inward and focusing on yourself...selfish. That the meaning of life is focusing on others, doing for others and maybe even you suffering.

I think that is a totally foolish way of thinking.

Even when you objectively view someone whose life appears to be about doing for others, if you look deeper, the person is, in reality, selfishly doing for others to bring happiness to them self.

Read the rest of the article here - Meaning of Life

If you missed the last article, you can see it here - Be Who You Are
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