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A Happier Man, Issue #182- Happier Young Man
October 04, 2020

Issue # 182

Happier Young Man

At times I was a happier young man with some success in a variety of areas. But not nearly the quantity and quality that was possible. Looking back here is some advice for me as a young man that I wish someone would have told me.

I could saved myself lots of problems and could have increased my fun and adventures exponentially.

Instead of fully enjoying my life as a happier young man, I suffered and struggled. When I finally woke up, got my mind right and decided to make changes in my 40's and 50's I had to put in extreme amounts of effort to undo the damage and resolve the ridiculous issues that I put myself in. In some ways I am still suffering to this day. I fear that some of the issues I might never be able to fully undo.

It is not necessary for a happier young man to struggle and suffer, in spite of what the world says.

I look out at the world and see young men going down some of the wrong paths I took and I know that their lives will be limited and potentially miserable because of it

So here are a number of things I wish I had done differently and why I think I could have been a much happier young man.

Read the rest of the article here - Happier Young Man

If you missed my last article, go here - Leave Your Wife

If you are really struggling in a bad marriage or miserable and you don't know why, you should check out my book -

Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step Sytem

You can read more about the book here - Leave Your Wife
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