About Music

by Anonymous

What exactly is wrong music?

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Dec 19, 2020
Thoughts on Wrong Music
by: Hans

Wrong music is any type of music or song that makes you feel bad while listening to it. If you're fine before the song and not fine while listening to it or afterward, that is bad music for you.

A lot of music is centered around relationship issues and the pain this causes. So, while it is extremely popular and dominates the airwaves, it's bad music if it causes you distress.

Lack is another popular subject that does not help you.

Quite a bit of music has to do with how bad or worthless men are. So, if you are a man, that's bad for you to listen to. Be quick to turn that off or consciously tune it out if you cannot turn it off.

This can be quite difficult to deal with as most music you listen to is chosen by others. You turn on the radio and listen to what they choose. You walk into a bar or club and listen to what they choose.

I've walked into bars and clubs and within moments felt the need to walk out again with the horrible music they were playing.

Just because a type of music is played by everyone does not mean it's good for you. I think the type of music that is most popular is chosen to make us feel as badly as possible.

Sometimes it's just the volume. Too loud damages your ears and does not allow you to think or socialize with people. Totally bad unless you have chosen to have a loud music experience such as close to the band concert. Even then, I would not go overboard on loud music, maybe a few minutes up close to the speakers, rather than an extended period of time.

I've certainly had my hand on my vehicle radio dial almost as much as on the steering wheel constantly trying to find a song that did not totally ruin my day. As I have gotten older, it is not that unusual for me to drive in silence. I have taken to making videos when I drive longer distances to better pass the time and enjoy my drives.

You may need to avoid the radio altogether and use your own music selection.

The music you listen to should be carefully chosen by you to provide you what you need in the moment to make you feel good. It should be uplifting, inspirational or moving. I have some songs that are sad, but I choose these songs to help me reflect and with the reflection, I find gratitude.

I would certainly recommend you spend plenty of time developing your own playlist of music that uplifts you, gets you in the mood for whatever you want to get in the mood for.

This is your life we're talking about. Others do not have the right to pull you down with their music selections.

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The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife.  You might be in the same situation I was in.  I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.

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