The self awareness to know low self esteem signs in yourself is the key to having a great life. Not more money, a great career, a fit body or the perfect partner.
Just examine what happens to a you... when they feel bad about themselves.
can trace back the problems and difficulties in your life to the root
cause being how you feel about yourself. Your low self esteem keeps you
I believe the major cause of your low self esteem is from the stupidity or tyranny or at least the negative comments of others.
Teasing, taunting, putdowns, none of this is good when you are at the receiving end.
Here are the low self esteem signs or when you think you do not matter:
I think the root cause of all human suffering is massive numbers of
people with low self esteem signs and not thinking they matter. Your standards are way too low.
I know my low self esteem has caused me all kinds of problems. I was pushed around and forced to not be who I am.
The only cure is to do the exact opposite. You have to think you do matter.
You have to raise your self esteem. You have to think you are worth it.
If the cure to low self esteem signs is so simple why don't we do this?
From Mark Manson
Start with this mindset and build.
don't because we have been systematically brainwashed our entire lives
to not think properly. I believe that it is not in the interest of the
people in power for us to feel good about ourselves. I think they want
us to have low self esteem.
If you look at present and past events you see that the people we look to as authorities have been putting us down and
keeping us in our place. They use every conceivable trick to get us to think that the meaning of life is something outside ourselves. Extreme violence, massive poverty, media manipulation and outright propaganda are all forms of coercion.
Why do they do this?
They need us to have low self esteem signs to keep control and massive power over us to enrich themselves at the expense of us.
They are not like you and I.
You and I are not
You and I are interested in our own lives. We recognize the low self esteem signs in our lives and do something about it.
want to have power over ourselves and our lives. We want to stop drinking, smoking, eating, and
drugging ourselves into an early grave. We want to stop working at
something that gives us no joy. We want to avoid relationships with terrible people and get into relationships that bring us happiness.
want a happier, easier life, free from stress, worry, shame and humiliation.
Where we are not constantly bombarded with all the stupid reasons life
has to be this stupid way.
Some men have
stepped away from all the ridiculous nonsense that we are constantly
force fed. These men are living out a life free of low self esteem and
actively living their lives exactly how they want to.
A modern happy man is not a king lording over a bunch of minions who laugh at his jokes and do what he says.
Who likes that kind of life?
No, the kind of life I am talking about is nothing like that. My kind of an ideal life is me with as much freedom as possible to live my life, my way. I am not interested in having a bunch of guys that I lord over and who laugh at my non-funny jokes. I want a free lifestyle where I am alone to live as I want and the time I spend with friends is how I have always spend time with them.
When I am with my friends I like to think of us as we are all equals. There is not one who is the boss and we are all lap dogs doing what he says.
No, we each may take that role briefly from time to time. But it is more that we are equals.
I think you will see that happy men tend to shun the normal things that most people think are right.
The happy men seem to live their lives oblivious to what normal men do without low self esteem signs in their lives holding them back and living in fear.
I think back to times when I had the most self esteem. Those were great time, mostly to do with women. Meeting them, seducing them and getting them into bed with ridiculous ease and speed. Sometimes when I think back to those days I am astonished. It is unbelievable.
But the more I think back to those times the more I realize I was acting with extremely high self esteem. And the women noticed. They noticed and did what I wanted. They did what I wanted because it was what they wanted also.
I used to think that the reason I did so well with women at that time was something outside myself. I thought it was the friends I was with. I thought it was the places we were at. I thought it was because I had the exact right amount of alcohol. I thought it was the weather. I thought it had everything to do with circumstances.
But that is all wrong.
It had everything to do with me with high self esteem and self confidence for those times and doing what I wanted.
I just did what I wanted. I approached women and started talking. I approached women and started dancing with them. I approached women and did all kinds of things. These were all just crazy things I did and the women loved all these things. It did not seem to matter what I did or what I said, only that I did and said things.
Can you understand that idea deep in your mind? Can you understand that in order for you to live the high self esteem life you just have to do things and say things and live in a manner that you want?
You do not have to complicate life so much. You do not have to memorize all kinds of lines. You do not have to worry so much about how you look and what you wear.
You just do.
There is no try, just do. - Paraphrasing Yoda
When you have high self esteem you do what is right for you and
you only. You do not care what other people say or do or might say or
might do. You just act, think and do what you want.
You are not bound by laws, regulations, society or convention.
You do what you want. Your confidence is very high and low self esteem signs are the farthest thing from your mind.
The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife. You might be in the same situation I was in. I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.
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